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Need to learn how to drive or just refine your driving skills? Or do you just need a driving school certificate in order to get your MD Driving License? Well why not come to a licensed and certified driving school that you can trust to help you get that accomplished. ADMIRAL DRIVING SCHOOL, INC. where great profeesional service is not an option.

Welcome to Admiral Driving School, Inc. We are a new driving school located in Silver Spring, MD providing great services for your driving needs which can found in the "Services" section of this page. Despite being a new school, we are rapidly growing in the area becuase of the great service that we provide. Our moto, "great service is not an option," our standard that we go by because let's face it, who doesn't like great service from a company? I sure do.

To provide that great service to you at Admiral Driving School, we have friendly staff that will be sure to see to that. They are ready to help assist you in all the paper work process and answer any questions you may have concerning the driving school, registeration process, documents, prices, MD Licensing Laws, etc.

Our instructors are MD Licensed and Certified so you can be rest assured that the information you will be receiveing will be from knowledgeable instructors. Whether you are someone who has never driven or someone who has been driving for years, Maryland road regulations are constantly changing and they will help stay up-to-date. In addition to being very knowledgeble, our instructors are also very friendly and patient which will help you go along way with you learning procces. You are guranteed to learn something new with our Instructors.

Are you someone needs a license or maybe already have one but just need to get that confidence back of driving agian? Well, you're in luck. At Adimral Driving School, we offer many great line of driving services. From our popular 36hr GLS Program to our MVA Escort,  you are sure to find a service that best meets ur need.

  • 36 Hr GLS Program (required by State Of MD)
  • GLS Program Completion (for transfer students from another driving school)
  • Extra Driving Practices
  • Parking Practices
  • MVA Escort (if you need a car for your MVA Road Test.
  • Prepration quizzes for Law Test (for those needing to get Learner's Permit)
  • Pick-up and drop-off services to and/or from your home

If you need to make an appointment for the MVA Road Test you can click on the link below: https://mvascheduling.mdot.state.md.us/default.aspx

So hurry and contact Admiral Driving School with your driving need today, where "great service is not an option." Don't just settle for any driving school. Come to a driving school where you money will be worth the service.

****Hablamos Espanol.Curso de 36 Horas requeridas por el MVA, Horarios flexibles,Mejoramiento del conductor,Llame le contestamos en espanol.relax we will help you and  tell you what you need to know about how to past your test.call Tania or Edgar we will help you past that test.llamenos nosotros le ayudamos y le damos la informacio para que pase el examen de practica.301-460-8100
